Friday, May 22, 2009

Baking Life

Baking has found its way to my brain and suddenly there's a jolt in the merging of my right brain and baking... The yeast has found the main vessel and grew a family there and made that control room of mine into its playground. All of that until they made some sense in the merging, and drove me here... oh well they did say that merging is some hope for good. Some good did happen.

I found the recipe! Rather, I discovered the recipe. Those emails had done a good job in circulating the 'recipe of life', you know those how to be happy kind... you add like 1/4 cup of smile, 2 cups of positive thinking and etc. What I found is not those 'cause measurement can be nasty at times. So I don't want to use this perfect recipe that's always printed on books, penned down and even uploaded. Geez technology... you not only get digital timer and digital scale, you get digital stove, the great microwave.

Whatever happened to the conventional granny's 'follow your heart' recipe? Salutation to those great ancient chefs, they should be awarded Iron Chef instead of those phony T.V. reality show where the Iron Chefs are almost permanent. "Life", that's what they say. Yeah right. Its all about putting the right amount in and not wasting.

Here, in baking too much or too little would spoil the product. I rather have too little than too much. Its really 'life-based', you see those rich brats out there pouring money into sewage? Those are the result of 'too much'. They practically get too much of good things in life to the extend that they don't appreciate or rather in baking terms, do not compliment the dough. Its like putting all the good ingredients in the dough that eventually spoils the dough and ends itself in some waste-land. That is happening in life, you provide all that is good and the best for your kids and in the end of the day they turn out to be a waste.

Reflecting at a 180 degrees, those with too little would also spoil the product. BUT... yeah the cliche. The scoring point here is you get to improve it until it is good enough to go into the oven. You can still improvise it before putting the death sentence on that dough. Just like the child who didn't get enough, one learns to struggle and with some effort to improvise, one won't turn out to be a bad cookie. However, the probability of coming out of the oven in a complete disaster comes in more quickly and at a higher rate than the improvisation. The devil in us is really athletic when it comes to serious business like gathering its empire of minions. All we need here is patience and faith. The need to believe that there can be improvisation and the dough would turn out good is the secret.

Baking has not only been all sugar and flour but also the brain.


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