Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Just as I woke up with negativity and annoyance this morning and throughout half of the day thinking am I good enough to be? It is one of those wake up on the wrong side of the bed days.

My mind was cluttered with thoughts of how terrible am I at things and a whole bucket load of negativity welled up in me. Then I began to realize that I am being a brat again and tried shrugging it off. It was literally a repeat after me, "Stop it! Think good stuff. Think awesome stuff."

So it switches between good and bad like black and white on a zebra crossing. It sickens me how I am becoming a slave of typicality. Creative sparks is welded into responsibility. Leaving almost no room for imagination to breathe. That is my vice, feeling dry and dull.

Finally after a long day of discounting myself, I folded in with hope. The only strand of string that allows my escape from this welled up negativity.

Hope keeps me going.


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